So, you’ve planned out your posting schedule, but what next? Here are some video ideas and strategies to determine the types of YouTube content that can grow your channel quickly and attract followers.
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Utilize Video Ideas from Top-Performers
Some types of videos consistently attract viewers. To name a few, try tutorials, reviews, and DIY videos. After some time, you can also track trends within your own channel content. Once you’ve posted a fair number of videos, take a peek at the “Analytics” page in your Creator Studio. Click “Subscribers,” then “YouTube Watch Page” to see which videos appeal most to subscribers and capitalize on that. If you need even more ideas for YouTube content, check out this article with 161 video ideas.
Establish Different Series for Your Channel
Videos of the same type can easily be grouped into a series, encouraging your viewers to keep watching, or subscribe for similar content. Organize these videos into a Playlist to make them easier to navigate. Check out this article for some tips on naming your videos.
Mix it Up
Don’t be afraid to mix up your content and experiment! You might be surprised at the types of content that attract the most subscribers. For example, Live Streaming on YouTube is a great way to directly engage your following in a way that a normal video does not. Additionally, collaborating with other channels can be a quick and effective way to reach more people. Keep in mind that the biggest channels do not often collaborate with small or mid-size channels, so aim to collaborate with a channel that is slightly larger than your own. Here is a video explaining collaborations in more detail.
Take Content Ideas from Existing Videos
If you’re struggling to come up with a lot of content on a daily basis, you might want to split up some of your longer videos into shorter ones.
For instance, in each of your long videos, you are going to cover various topics.
You could edit out certain topics and then create mini videos, using those topics. Shorter videos are more convenient for social network sharing.
You’ll notice that the channel ‘Inside Quest’ does this a lot.
Here’s one of the videos on their channel. Note how it is nearly 49 minutes long.
Even though the average mobile session on YouTube is 40 minutes, for someone who is new to the channel, that video length can be potentially intimidating.
So what you’ll also notice a lot on the same channel is that they have broken down th
e video into some ‘highlight clips,’ that cover interesting points and topics.
Note how short each of these videos is.
Short videos can be a great way to introduce people to your channel, by giving them a taste of your content and building your media marketing campaign.
Make Some Evergreen Videos
A great way to consistently generate subscribers is by creating some evergreen videos.
These are essentially videos that will be of relevance whether they are being viewed today or they’re being viewed 5 years in the future.
This will apply to some niches more than others.
For example, I spoke earlier about the pencil drawing business and that one naturally lends itself to producing a lot of evergreen content.
Evergreen content is generally based on topics that are aimed at beginners.
A lot of ‘how-to’ content tends to be evergreen.
And so, when you look at things through this lens, it becomes easier to understand how to create content that is going to be evergreen.
As a result, take a look at your niche and see if you can create some ‘how-to’ videos that will stand the test of time.
Even if you’re not looking to create evergreen content, it’s worth creating some ‘how to’ videos, because they are being watched 70% more year on year via social media sites and directly on YouTube.
Choose content that you can produce quickly in order to stay on schedule. Efficiency is everything!