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The new supervisor for our Video marketing team is Courtney Hall and is next in the spotlight!

Question #1: Tell me about yourself

I’m originally from Maine, currently going to NYU studying film and tv with a focus on editing, and 3D animation, and so I would like to work in one of those fields after graduation.

Question #2: Is this your first internship?

Yes, in my field.

Question # 3: What got you into video editing?

I’m a computer person and basically anything on the computer, I’m down with that. I was always the person people would go to for help with computers and then people started asking me to do slideshows or videos and I just really loved it. So I just started doing more of that in high school and decided to pursue it as a career.

Question #4: How’s being the new video supervisor going?

Really good. I’ve  been the new supervisor for a week and a half. Part of the team for 4-5 months before being recommended for the position. It’s been very fun and definitely different but in a good way. I like the leadership role because it’s like a new chapter in college which has been a lot of fun.

Question #5: What projects did you work on as an intern or currently as a supervisor?

I worked on a lot of different projects, a lot of videos about different facts about SEO, SWS sites and I also worked on videos for our clients. I’ve done homepage videos for Skillspire, I believe, and for a variety of different clients, which have all been a little different. It’s been really fun as a video editor since I’ve been trying new things.

Question #6: What has been your favorite project? or project you’re most proud of?

One I’m most proud of is the Fuse IQ video we did recently. I put a lot of time into that one and this was when we started using Premier and after effects, like that kind of stuff. With that, it was more advanced.

Question #7: What’s your process when working with clients?

We don’t personally meet with the clients, Geoffrey works with the clients and then lets us know what they’re looking for. Sometimes it’s taking videos they already have and updating them. Sometimes it’s making new stuff based on information on their website and then we’ll send it to Geoffrey who then sends it to the client. Then they can give us feedback from there like the specific stuff they want us to work on.

Question #8: What does a typical day look like for you now?

Now it can be kinda varied but it’s mainly keeping things organized and assigning new tasks for the team members, working with any issues they may have, giving feedback on the videos they do, meeting with Geoffrey and getting feedback from him on the work we’re doing as a whole. Then transferring the info to the rest of the team. A lot of communicating with different people and making sure everyone’s on the same page and getting work done.

Question #9: What 3 words best describe you?

Organized, motivated and curious. I like to learn new things.

Question #10: What do you like most about the internship?

I like a lot of things but I think I like the independence of it because it’s all virtual. I like how I can work with a team and on your own. The new supervisor role has challenged me to be self-motivated and to work on my own, which I think is a good skill to have in general.

Question #11: What do you find the most challenging?

I think kind of the same thing. Like the fact that you’re mainly working on your own in some aspects like having to keep yourself accountable in order to accomplish things but I also believe that’s a good thing.

Question #12: What advice would you give to new interns?

Take advantage of the opportunity because it’s a great opportunity for you to learn how to work with a team and by yourself. Take advantage of everything.

Question #13: What’s your next step after the internship?

It depends on where I’m at at the end of this internship. I’m going to be done towards the end of the semester, so I’ll either take the second internship or go for another one that I’ve been applying for.

Question #14: Would you ever go do a Master’s?

I would consider it, but not necessarily as common in Film but a lot of it is that you get industry experience. I’ll consider it in the future if I feel it necessary for my career.

Question #15: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Hopefully working, somewhere in the editing field and progress within it. I know I’ll be starting, hopefully, as an assistant or intern or something but definitely. As long as I’m still in a career I’m interested in, I’ll be happy.

Geoffrey Purkis

Geoffrey is the Founder and CEO of Seattle Web Search. He’s a web developer and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert located in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in the field. Geoffrey specializes in helping his clients find the right combination of web, search, social, and video content to get the best results from their online marketing efforts.