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Pinterest is like the virtual version of sticking things to a cork board with push pins. It’s a great way to save ideas and products that you want to use later. Pinterest is frequently called a social media platform, but it’s more focused on being a search and discovery platform. People who use Pinterest often spend money trying the recipes, projects, and other things they discover on Pinterest.


Pinterest for Users

People utilize Pinterest for a myriad of reasons, from saving ideas, collaborating with people, to bookmarking things for later. As opposed to platforms like Facebook or Instagram, Pinterest is mostly a solitary experience.

People also ask:

  • What is the demographic of Pinterest users?
    Short answer: 81% of Pinterest users are actually Females. 40% of New Signups are Men; 60% New Signups are Women. Men account for only 7% of total pins on Pinterest. The median age of a Pinterest user is 40, however, the majority of active pinners are below 40. Pinterest’s IPO tells us everything about its average user.
  • Is Pinterest still popular?
    Short answer: Yes, there are more than two billion searches that take place on Pinterest each month.
  • How do you find people on Pinterest?
    Short/long answer: Click here.

What’s a Pin?

Pins are visual representations of products or ideas that a user can save to their pinboard. Pins consist of images, links, and descriptions. Clicking on a pin will enlarge it, and clicking again takes users to the pin’s link. Pinterest accounts can hold up to 200,000 pins.

What’s a Board?

Boards are collections of pins that serve as a method for a user to organize their ideas. For example, a user will create a board for a bathroom remodel, or for recipes they want to try. Users can share their boards with other users, creating shared boards. These allow users to collaborate and get feedback from other people. Also, there are secret boards, which are only visible to the creator and anyone they authorize to view the board. An account can create as many as 500 separate boards.

About Pinterest Profiles

A Pinterest profile contains all of a user’s pins, boards, and customized settings. Publicly displayed profile information includes usernames, real names or business names, your “About You” section and website URL, your follower and following counts, a profile picture, and a customized slide show of featured boards.

People also ask:

  • How do I make a cover for my Pinterest profile?
  • How do I create a new Pinterest profile?
  • How do I get noticed on Pinterest 2018?

Following People on Pinterest

If you want to keep track of all the posts from a specific profile or board, you can follow them. Which makes all of their content show up on your home feed.

Being Followed on Pinterest

Having more followers means your content is reaching a wider audience. But ultimately more of your traffic comes from searches, so it’s better to optimize your SEO on Pinterest.

Saving and Repining on Pinterest

Users can pin images they find on the internet; they can also save pictures on Pinterest and reformat them into new pins.

Pinterest for Businesses

When people pin posts on Pinterest, they keep them around for a long time, especially when people are planning a big project like a wedding. This means that Pinterest is a goldmine for branded marketing.

75% of all content on the site comes from brands, with little complaint from the user-base. You can even set up buyable pins, allowing people to purchase products right from Pinterest.

Pinterest has a vast audience; in fact, it’s the number two driver of social traffic to websites. And most searches on the site are unbranded, so you have a lot of opportunities to get your products to the people.

Pinterest Business Accounts

Business profiles provide users with more detailed performance analytics and the ability to advertise. Changing an account from personal to business is free of charge.

Geoffrey Purkis

Geoffrey is the Founder and CEO of Seattle Web Search. He’s a web developer and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert located in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in the field. Geoffrey specializes in helping his clients find the right combination of web, search, social, and video content to get the best results from their online marketing efforts.

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