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Don’t like the new WordPress editing tool? Your not the only one.

If you go to “Add Plugins” in WordPress you don’t have to go far to see Gutenberg, the new editing tool WordPress rolled out with the new version of WordPress.

With 2 stars and only 200k active installations Gutenberg clearly isn’t very popular. WordPress really should have paid attention to the community and made it an option that asked for permission before it forced on everyone in WordPress 5.0.

A little lower to the right you will see the “Classic Editor” plugin, with 1+ million active installations and 500+ 5-star reviews:

Don't Like the New WordPress Editor? Get The 'Classic Editor' Plugin Share on X
Geoffrey Purkis

Geoffrey is the Founder and CEO of Seattle Web Search. He’s a web developer and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert located in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in the field. Geoffrey specializes in helping his clients find the right combination of web, search, social, and video content to get the best results from their online marketing efforts.

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