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What is Pinterest site verification? It’s the process of connecting your website to your Pinterest account. This allows you to access more advanced analytics on Pinterest and Tailwind, as well as placing your website logo on all your pins. There are three ways to get verified: updating your site’s meta tags, uploading HTML files, or adding the verification via a host. Let’s explore each option a bit further.


Update Pinterest Meta Tags

First, go to your Pinterest profile and hit the edit button, then click “confirm website.” This will bring up a page with some code on it; you’ll need to copy the code. Go to your website’s content management system and look for an index.html where you can edit your website’s code. After accessing the code, go to the <head> section, and paste the Pinterest code underneath it, make sure to save the changes. Go back to Pinterest and click finish.

Upload Files to a Root Server

Go to the Pinterest page with the previously mentioned code, but click “download file.” Make sure not to rename the file when it downloads. Then upload the file to a root server, like public_html, www, or wwwroot. Then click finish on Pinterest.

Verify Through Popular Website Hosts

There are currently 19 website hosts that offer Pinterest site verification. Three of the most popular are WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.


Download the WordPress plugin: “Pinterest Verify”. Then, copy the content section of the Pinterest code mentioned earlier. Next, log in to WordPress and go to the settings section and click “Pinterest verify”. Then paste the content code into the WordPress page and click save. Once you’ve done that, go back to Pinterest and hit finish.


First, copy the code from Pinterest, then log on to your Tumblr and go to settings. Click on your blog name and go to “edit theme” before clicking “edit HTML”. Paste the code into the <head> section and save, then go to Pinterest and click finish.


Copy the Pinterest code, sign in to Blogger and head to the template section, then hit “edit HTML”. Then copy the code into <head>, and go back to Pinterest and click finish.

Eric McInnis

Eric McInnis is a senior blogger at Seattle Web Search. Based in Pennsylvania, Eric has done work writing movie reviews on his personal blog, but has also garnered extensive knowledge of SEO, search engines, and online marketing during his tenure at Seattle Web Search. His specialties include overseeing the work and progress of the blogging team and its members, as well as leading the blogging section of Seattle Web Search, which helps readers understand and improve their website or company’s SEO.

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