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If you’re having trouble with Pinterest and your account has been suspended, here’s how to get your account back and prevent it from being suspended again.

What to Do When Your Pinterest Account is Suspended

The first thing to do when your account gets suspended is to visit the Pinterest Help Center and search “suspended.” This will provide a list of solutions and advice. Read through all of them, especially the content policies. Check if you have violated any of these policies, if you don’t think you have, or are still unsure why you’ve been suspended, then it’s time to contact Pinterest.

First, visit the contact page. The first question will be “What do you need help with?”, answer with “I can’t log in.” Then under “Tell us a little more.” choose “Pinterest suspended my account.” After selecting those two options, you will be prompted to read the content policies. If you’ve already read them, click the red “I still need help” button.

This will open a contact form; you’ll need to fill it out and explain that your account has been suspended. First, title the form something like “My Pinterest account has been suspended.” Then, in the description area, explain that your account has been suspended and ask why Pinterest has suspended it. If you have any relevant screenshots, be sure to attach them. Fill in the other details and hit “submit.” Wait for Pinterest to respond.

If Pinterest finds that you haven’t violated any policies, they will restore your account. If they find that you have broken the rules, you should respectfully apologize and promise to not repeat your transgressions, then Pinterest will probably restore the account.

Howto Prevent Your Pinterest Account from Being Suspended

The best way to deal with account suspension is not to get suspended in the first place. Here are some tips on how to do so:

Read the Content Policies: Pinterest is very serious about their policies. You should read through them to make sure you’re not breaking any rules.

Avoid Spam: Spam is a significant problem everywhere on the internet. Be sure that every link you post goes where it says it does. If you run a group board, always delete spam and ban those that post it.

Convert to a Business Account: Pinterest accounts can get suspended if they’re used for commercial purposes. If you want to use it for those purposes, convert your account to a business account, thus preventing any issues.

Geoffrey Purkis

Geoffrey is the Founder and CEO of Seattle Web Search. He’s a web developer and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert located in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in the field. Geoffrey specializes in helping his clients find the right combination of web, search, social, and video content to get the best results from their online marketing efforts.

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