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When thinking about digital marketing, conversion rates are key. With the chaos of COVID-19, it’s no surprise that conversions have gone down in most industries. Even industries that had experienced an increase in traffic, such as the financial sector, weren’t exempt from this. Maneuvering digital marketing trends during the coronavirus is unknown territory for everyone.

One industry that breaks this trend, however, is news sites. Many news media sites only allow you to read a certain number of articles for free each month. With most people trying to stay up to date on COVID-19 information and updates, people have been more inclined to subscribe, leading to more conversions on these sites.

This means that if you’re not a news site, the digital marketing trends created by COVID-19 likely aren’t great news for your business. Fear not: there are several resources that will allow you to beat the coronavirus marketing trends by working to increase your business’ conversions.


Resources to boost conversion rate

There is one main goal when creating a website. Many think it’s simply to get as much traffic on the site as possible. However, if you have a high rate of traffic but a low conversion rate, your website can’t live up to its potential. Website traffic is increasing with internet usage since everyone is stuck at home. Here are some basic methods to ensure that more of these visitors convert into customers/clients.

Start with the fundamentals of your website such as design, navigation, and overall function

  • The design should be eye-catching, but not so busy with fancy graphics and fonts that your readers get lost.
  • Your site should be easy to navigate. This means you don’t want to bury your most important information for your readers to try to find. Contact pages, informational pages, and pages listing your services should be immediately accessible.
  • You can utilize Google’s mobile website tester to make sure your site looks and runs smoothly on desktops, laptops, and phones.

Maintain your website. It’s cheaper and easier to prevent website problems than to fix them after the fact.

This will take time and constant attention, but it’s worth it. Constantly check and recheck your website so you can ensure that your customers are experiencing the best service. Here are 3 tips to make sure your website is in peak condition:

  • Make sure your software is updated. For example, if you use WordPress, make sure you are updating plugins, themes, and the application itself.
  • Consider a CDN. A Content Delivery Network, or CDN, can increase the speed of your website by outsourcing the content on your site to local servers. This can prevent your site from slowing down when it experiences a high amount of traffic.
  • Invest in a website security software such as Sucuri or cWatch. Website security can help protect you against malware and keep your website running smoothly.

Anyone can create traffic on their site, but not many can keep them coming back and even fewer can convert them into long-term customers. By keeping your website updated, fast, fresh, and secure, you can effectively grow your customer base. Other things to consider to keep visitors returning (and eventually converting) are micro-conversion, email marketing, and SEO in general (making search engines ie. Google happy).

Use the conversion power of videos

Keeping users’ attention when they wander to your website is important. You can achieve this with strategically chosen media (hint: video/YouTube!). Images and visual storytelling tactics will capture and hold attention before something else does. In fact, this phenomenon has a name — the “picture superiority effect,” whereby concepts presented with visuals or pictures are better learned and more easily and frequently recalled than those without.

Hopefully, these resources can ease some stress that the coronavirus has put on you and your business. Pushing harder to increase your conversions is vital when the trends are working against you during this difficult time.

Audrey Moore

Audrey Moore is a blogger at Seattle Web Search. Based out of Wichita, KS, Audrey is currently studying creative writing, communications, and Spanish. Through her experience at Seattle Web Search, she is learning about SEO and gaining valuable experience writing articles.

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