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Backdrops can make your YouTube videos look more professional, so be deliberate about the ones you use. If your backdrop is too flashy or chaotic, then it’ll overwhelm your viewers and distract them from your content. Instead, you should keep your backdrops simple. But how do you choose the perfect backdrops for your channel? Here are some backdrop ideas that’ll make your YouTube channel look even better.  


Keep It Simple

You can use a sheet or a solid colored wall to make your background nice and tidy. Also, you should take into account the spatial location of your background. You don’t want to film next to a window or another reflective object. Instead, you want to keep your background as simple as possible to avoid distractions. If you want to set up your backdrop easily and quickly, check out this video.



One of the most popular backdrops in the YouTube world is fabric. Many professional YouTubers use different types of fabric to make their background look neat and more professional. You can either buy new fabric or try to find some in your closet. You can even use the curtains or bedsheets in your house. Next, drape your fabric across a curtain rod, and start filming.

Fairy Lights

If you want to get creative on your backdrops, use fairy lights. They are a relaxing choice and do a great job livening up a simple backdrop. You can even use paper lights, candles, lava lamps, or any other light source to complement the fairy lights. Ultimately, different types of light sources will help make your backdrop look more vibrant and colorful. If you want to learn more about different lighting for your YouTube videos, check out this article on lighting techniques for your YouTube videos

Picture Collage Backdrops

Many YouTubers create a collage from their favorite quotes and posters. By doing so, the YouTuber can express themselves while making a great backdrop. If you choose to make this kind of backdrop, do not overload your picture collage so it doesn’t distract your viewers from your content. As you can see, YouTuber Lilly Singh creates a great picture collage for her videos.


One of the best backdrop strategies is to add an outdoor element. You can place flowers and other plants in your room to create a more elegant look. Live plants require constant maintenance but can be rewarding. Or, just opt for fake plants for the same look and less work.


For a more playful and colorful look, make streamers your backdrop. The best part about streamers is their versatility; you can use them for festive or normal videos. You can also decorate them any way you like, so you could play around with different backdrops for your YouTube videos. Check out this video on how to make streamers your backdrop. 


The last backdrop advice for this article is using different rooms as your backdrop. Many vloggers add a personal touch by showing off parts of their house. Just throw in a few cushions or plants to make your backdrop interesting for your videos. However, be mindful of how the lighting differs between the rooms in your house. For more backdrop ideas, check out these 10 Quick and Easy Backdrop Ideas For Your YouTube Videos


Backdrops can help make your video look more professional and organized, so try one of these different backdrop ideas for your next YouTube video. Every once and a while, change up your backdrop to make your videos look more compelling for your viewers.


Maya Castiblanco

Maya Castiblanco is a blogger at Seattle Web Search. Based out of Westchester, NY, Maya is currently studying psychology and education at Bates College. By working at Seattle Web Search, she is hoping to improve as a writer and learn more about SEO.

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