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Thanks to COVID-19, most marketing agencies that had previously been holding out have now joined the trend of creating social media accounts for their business. While this is an essential move in order to stay relevant, it also makes the competition all the more intense. Here are some timeless tips for implementing SEO Friendly Instagram Practices when optimizing your profile, photos, and posting times:


Create Eye-Catching Collages & Tiling Photos

Use the “Layout App” by Instagram for cool collages! Or, try downloading a tiling app like “InstaTiling” for cool multi-post photo grid images. Since these aren’t the usual single photo posts you’re constantly scrolling past, they’re guaranteed to draw more attention from the start. Be as creative as you can!

Maintain a “Color Theme” for Your Photo Grid on Your Profile PageLater Media's Instagram Aesthetic

Though it may not be essential, it’s always a good idea to try and create a specific aesthetic for your page. You can easily accomplish this by following a color theme for your photos. This will ensure that your page is visually pleasing, which will draw more traffic. Sticking to a specific theme also creates a perfect opportunity to implement brand awareness—have your color scheme reflect your brand. By doing this, you’re enabling customer’s recall every time they see your posts, which will eventually translate into conversions.

Try to Post Something NEW Every Day!

New content is always something you should be striving for. No one wants to see the same exact photo over and over; by posting new and captivating images, you will be setting yourself apart from those boring, repetitive posts users can’t scroll past fast enough.

Every day is a fresh opportunity to create something unique. Here are some typically well-performing photo ideas for you to get started (try to put your own spin on them!) :

  • Clouds/Sunset/Night-time/Flowers/Nature/Patterns/Animals
  • Daily Routines/Good Habits/Inspiration
  • Something you Love/Something you Want
  • Childhood Memory
  • Technology
  • Eyes/Close-ups
  • What’s in My Bag

Best Timing for Posting to Instagram:

While it is ideal to personalize what posting times are most effective for your target audience, you may not have enough analytics to sift through yet. By posting more, you will gain insights into the timing, content, and frequency that will work best for you. However, until you’re able to do this, try following what Sprout Social found to be the best times to post for each day of the week:

  • Best times: Wednesday at 11 a.m. and Friday from 10 a.m.–11 a.m.
  • Best day: Wednesday
  • Worst day: Sunday

Conclusion: Try everything!

At the end of the day, there is no guarantee of any one specific thing working to give you an advantage on social media. But, if you can develop a strong social media strategy where you consistently post quality content in conjunction with actively implementing these tips, you’re giving yourself the best advantage possible.

Geoffrey Purkis

Geoffrey is the Founder and CEO of Seattle Web Search. He’s a web developer and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert located in Seattle, Washington with extensive experience in the field. Geoffrey specializes in helping his clients find the right combination of web, search, social, and video content to get the best results from their online marketing efforts.