The internet has evolved leaps and bounds from the simple text-based webpages that used to be standard. Nowadays, the baseline of any modern website requires much more. What has stuck around? Blogs. So, in 2021, does blogging still matter for your website? Absolutely. Blogs help target and market toward your niche while quality, relevant content gives people a reason to come back to your page. Did you know that 92% of content marketers use blogging as a part of their marketing strategy?

Having a blog can help your business on every front. From creating buzz and engagement related to your site, to drawing in potential customers, to increased sales, blogs are a valuable tool for your business.
Blogs Boost SEO
Blogs help SEO by playing into many of the factors search engines weigh when ranking your site in its algorithm. Factors like recency, how long ago you’ve posted something, can boost your SEO because Google favors up to date information higher. Recency is also good for reputability because users are more likely to trust a site that is kept up-to-date.
Blogs also help SEO by keeping users on your site. Search engines track how long users spend on a page, so in the algorithm’s eyes, more time on a website means that site has more relevant information. Your user bounce rate will be lower if you have informative and quality content. Blogs are also a great way to answer questions a target audience might have, while also boosting visibility and influence on Google.
Blogging Matters for Keywords and Link Building
Blogs give you a chance to build your backlinks and external links, two important factors in SEO. Having blog posts also gives other pages more opportunity to refer to your page, helping you build external link mentions. Blogs give you an opportunity to target more keywords and different types of keywords. Longtail keywords are important to target as well as addressing specific user queries. This is an opportunity to create dedicated pages for your business’ website. You target more keywords and queries while providing users a better experience on your site.
Build Your Brand’s Authority
Blogs help your perceived authority in your field, particularly if you’re writing about emerging trends and keywords or are an educational resource in your field. Blog posts on new topics or educational content can also be a good way to promote engagement with your audience. Being active and engaged positions your business as a trustworthy authority in your field that is attentive to changes in the industry.

Blogs can be the crucial step that turns strangers into regular visitors of your site.
Blogging for Engagement
Blogs connect you with your audience and can build business relationships. By connecting with other blogs or related businesses in your niche, you create a mutually beneficial relationship for widening the audience you reach. Connecting with other blogs creates opportunity for guest posting, further widening your reach. Once you’ve published 21-54 posts on your blog, your traffic can increase as much as 30%.
Businesses can also use their blogs and their social media platforms to promote each other. Repurpose blog content or promote new blog posts on your social media pages. This gives you content ideas for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter while simultaneously directing people to your site. Using your business blog in this way is a seamless strategy for social media integration.
Trending topics and buzzword culture may be focused on the latest social media craze but make no mistake—blogging still matters in 2021. Maintaining a blog for your business is a long-term strategy that will yield benefits. Blogging boosts your website’s SEO and gives you a chance to build backlinks and target keywords. It’s also an effective marketing tactic to build your brand’s authority and promote content engagement with your audience.