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In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven work environment, one essential skill gives you the ability to set your business apart:


Even more so than interpersonal skills, writing is what enables businesses to communicate effectively and seal the deal in negotiations. Not only that but clear, detail-oriented writing is what really makes the difference when it comes to the inner workings of any business.


Why is writing so important in the world of business?

Well, for starters, good writing improves communication!

Effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. Your success at conveying your point can mean the difference between sealing a deal and missing out on an opportunity.

Effective external communication can help attract new customers while retaining existing ones. Your marketing plan, for instance, can persuade clients to shop for your goods or visit your store. Knowing your clients’ characteristics will help you determine when, where, and how to connect with them. Always take any opportunity that enables you to connect with your existing and potential customers.

One especially effective way to reach your audience through writing is by telling your story. As humans we are hard-wired to want to connect, and storytelling can make a world of difference between you and your competition.  When effectively communicated, stories can drive more lasting memories, foster trust, and create emotional connections between you and your audience.

Just remember that communication is bidirectional, requiring both a transmitter and a receiver.  Simply improving your writing is not enough; you must ensure that the information you’re conveying is enough to drive your audience to act.

Never underestimate the power of writing in business communications

As you can see, no company can be successful without effective in-house or external communication. Effective communication can create opportunities, as well as open countless doors that you might never have otherwise known existed.

Improve business communications by creating a Social Media Strategy

Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter force organizations to face off with a whole new market of consumers and potential business partners. At the same time, the competition is fiercer amongst competing businesses in regards to who has better “social media game.” By creating and following through with a social media strategy you will be able to reach existing and prospective customers, convey your message to those who may not have heard of your business, and actively compete with others in your niche. Social Media Strategy

Who is putting out better, more relatable and engaging content, and who has a large following?

These are all factors that will determine the success of your social media campaign. For best results, make sure you are engaging and making connections within your niche from the start. The more you engage, the more of a trusted authority figure you will become.

What about writing within the business itself?

Research has shown that better-written emails, contracts, and employee handbooks all lead to a higher-quality, more efficient organization as a whole.

Easily avoid miscommunications entirely by taking seriously the importance of good writing skills. Employees are more satisfied with their work environment, work together more effectively, and business flourishes…all with the click of a pen or the stroke of a keyboard.

Firstly, emphasize the importance of writing that is clear, detailed, and free of any grammar or punctuation errors. This reflects positively on your writing ability, as well as the overall amount of time invested by the employee and the business to get things right from the start.

If writing isn’t exactly your forte, try to polish your skills and check for fluency and errors with a platform like Grammarly.

Write clearly and concisely to show employees, consumers, and potential investors how dedicated your business is to setting itself apart and making good communication a top priority.

If you are too busy to do your own business writing, click here for information about marketing professionals we trust (including writers!). We’re here to help.

Kelsie Vieaux

Kelsie Vieaux is a blogger at Seattle Web Search. Based out of Los Angeles, CA, Kelsie is currently studying creative writing, French, and Korean. Through her experience at Seattle Web Search, she is learning about SEO and gaining valuable experience writing articles.